Tuesday, May 14, 2013


I regret the day I felt the need for space. It felt good to see her walk away with a broken heart. My heart glee in delightful manner like a child given a lollipop after getting a hiding for bunking life orientation class. She did not just leave but she also left behind a note written in a slang form that read,'' dnt myk a prmanent  dztion bzd on tempr-ry stuatn.'' Because I was used to her playful conduct I just skimmed my eyes through the written piece and quickly brushed it off aside.

 Even though, we sometimes used to fight and hold long quarrels which seemed to last forever. This never strike fear that I might lose her. Because I knew she'll come running after me because I'm the first guy she fell in love with for the first time in her timeline. It was usual of us that we gonna kiss and make up and act like none happened. And this did not bother me at all.

She never liked the whole of this bullsh*t but she'd from time to time remind me that Thato nna kao rata and never keo lahla; she would be like,''u and I did not bumped into each other nor happened. We were meant to be. '' LERATO 4 THATO FOREVER'' these were her firm words of assurance which she even inscribed in her journal. There was no doubt that wandered in my mind about that.

 But this time around things took a different sudden sharp nasty turn and trembled like I've just escaped from cruel-some mob violence. Because men are in competition; I lost her to certain guy from the village called Ramoipone. I lost Lerato to a loving,caring and supporting heart: one that spurn to see her in hurting nor in a state of solitude.I regret following my heart. I REMORSE THE DAY I FELT THE NEED FOR SPACE.

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